The Tri-Corner-Express is New Virginia's local monthly newspaper, run completely by volunteers.
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Please send articles, advertisements, and any question or concerns to If you are interested in helping out with the paper in any way, please let us know!
Tri-Corner-Express Ad Prices
The Tri-Corner-Express ad prices are as follows. Please email us your ad at or drop off your ad in the drop box located outside of The Hen House- West Street New Virginia, IA.
Business card 2 x 3 1/2 : $ 30.00
Quarter page 4 x 5 : $ 45.00
Half page 9 1/2 x 5 $ 85.00
Full page : 9 1/2 x 10 $175.00
Thank You's, Birth Announcements, Birthdays, and Anniversaries: 0 - 50 words = $5.00, 51 - 100 words = $10.00, $0.10 per word over 100 words $5.00, for each photo.
Obituaries and Weddings (Including one photo): $40.00
Additional photo(s) $5.00 each
The Tri-Corner-Express paper is mailed free to anyone who lives in the Interstate 35 CSD or Martensdale - St. Mary's CSD. If you live in either of these two district and you are not currently receiving this paper please email us at If you would like to receive a subscription to our local paper the cost is $20.00/year. Please mail the subscription fee to Tri-Corner-Express PO Box 302 New Virginia, Iowa 50210. If you have any questions please call Jennifer Baughman at 641-449-3492.