Fire Department
New Virginia Fire and Rescue Department

The New Virginia Fire & Rescue Department is staffed by volunteers who share their time, talents and energy. They provide fire protection and rescue services to aid the sick and help the injured of our community, as well as those who travel through it. New Virginia Fire & Rescue Department covers the town of New Virginia, as well as all or portions of Virginia Township, Squaw Township, and Jackson Township in Warren County and a portion of Fremont Township in Clarke County. They respond with integrity and serve with compassion.
New Virginia Fire Department Officers

Fire Chief
Asst. Chief
2nd Asst. Chief
Fire Captain
Fire Lieutenant
Rescue Captain
Rescue Lieutenant
911 Board
911 Board
Jake Zuercher
Mike Bethards
Brent Baughman
Dave Schafer
Lucas VanderFlught
Mike Spurling
Dani Holtry
Jake Zuercher
Dave Schaefer

If you have any questions please email the Department at